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Health Conditions Bad Breath Can Reveal

9 Conditions Your Breath Can Reveal | Everyday Health

Breath problems are humiliating! We’re all aware. However, taking a little breather can help you avoid more than simply embarrassing social situations; it also has the potential to save your life. Breath-test technology can identify stomach cancer in its earliest stages.

Even while bad breath may seem like a minor medical concern, it might be the largest threat to your pleasant demeanour. When the issue is serious, you could occasionally feel it humiliating. However, there are other illnesses that may be detected through your breath than stomach cancer. 

You may use a mouth freshener or eat menthol-laced chewing gum to mask the odour temporarily, but these are only band-aid solutions that won’t work for very long.

Finding a long-lasting remedy for this is crucial since persistent bad breath can be a sign of serious medical problems. So, before you search for “halitosis doctor near me”, check whether you have these health issues.

What Medical Conditions Are Related To Poor Breath?

Gum disease is frequently indicated by poor breath. On the surface of our teeth, a sticky plaque is created by the regular bacteria in our mouths, mucus, and other particles. While plaque may be eliminated by brushing and flossing, if it is not removed, it can eventually harden into tartar.

Plaque and tartar become more dangerous the longer they remain on the teeth; in fact, they can induce gum inflammation and eventually gum disease. Gum disease can seriously harm teeth and oral soft tissues if left untreated, which might ultimately lead to tooth loss.

In addition, tartar can lead to the development of pockets between the teeth and gums, where food particles, germs, and plaque can assemble and emit an unpleasant odour.

The presence of poor breath is linked to a variety of additional health issues. If you have a sinus infection, upper or lower respiratory illness, or persistent bronchitis, you may experience an unpleasant mouth odour.

Additionally, severe medical diseases including diabetes, renal disease, and gastric reflux disorder can also be accompanied by unpleasant breath. Make sure to get in touch with a doctor after a “halitosis specialist near me” and get treatment for bad breath without any results.

So, How Can I Prevent Bad Breath?

Well, if your case of halitosis is not due to some severe medical condition, doing some changes in your life can effectively remove the bad smell from your breath. The common reasons for bad breath:

Here are some typical reasons for foul breath:

Infected Teeth – Bad breath can be brought on by tooth decay, gum disease, surgical wounds, and deteriorating teeth.

Food – Bacteria grow as food particles break down in the mouth, producing unpleasant smells. Common causes of foul breath include onions, garlic, and several spices.

GERD – Bad breath is correlated with an acidic stomach or persistent reflux of stomach acid (GERD). Bad breath may be resolved by treating GERD.

Tobacco Items – Both chewing tobacco and smoking tobacco contribute to bad breath.

Dry Mouth –  As less saliva is produced in the mouth, the condition known as dry mouth can contribute to foul breath. Morning breath is frequently caused by dry mouth, especially in those who sleep with their mouths open.

Bad Dental Practises – Bad breath is frequently caused by neglecting to routinely floss or wash your teeth. This occurs when food particles become stuck in your mouth. Another factor in poor breath is your tongue, which germs may coat and become smelly.

Postnasal Drip – The tonsils’ hardened mucus may be the root of your foul breath. Another reason for foul breath is chronic postnasal drip, as well as sinus leakage.

Additional Harmful Factors – There might be a unique odour on the breath from some cancers and metabolic disorders. If you smell anything metallic or strange, speak to your doctor.


Do not hesitate to schedule an appointment today by searching for “halitosis treatment centre near me” online. If you have persistent bad breath and any other signs of gum disease, such as bleeding or swollen gums, mouth sores, receding gums, an unpleasant aftertaste, sensitive or loose teeth or a change in bite alignment, you need urgent care from a dentist. Modern dentistry has made great strides in reducing the effects of gum disease and slowing its progression with the right care, especially when it is detected early.